Jake and I have recently confirmed and are stepping out in faith to go with a small team in October to Hyberabad, India!!! On this trip, we will have the opportunity to spend time with orphans in a small orphanage, visit with a leper colony, and worship with/serve alongside a local church there. We are SO excited about using the talents God has given us to serve and grow on this trip! The website http://www.globalhopeindia.org/ explains a little more about the ministry we'll be working with/through.
I will be donating all proceeds from organization/decor jobs now until December towards this trip! What an awesome way for YOU to get involved indirectly in some cool things that are happening in India, (AND you get a little something for it!) Please email me at btayloreddesigns@gmail.com if you'd like to schedule a "de-clutter session" or would like to update a room/space in your home!!! All proceeds will be tax-deductible.
good idea, becca!